Welcome to my forums, or I should say OUR forums. Anyone and everyone is welcome, and we are all one big family here. But with a family comes rules.
1. Absolutely, positively NO SPAMMING! S.P.A.M. stands for Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. These types of posts are not tolerated. If you SPAM more than 3 times in 1 month, it will result in a 1 week ban. If you come back and do it alot more, you will get a 1 month ban. Anymore of this SPAM, and you will be PERMABANNED! That means you will be banned FOREVER!
2. NO FLAMING! Flaming means to target one person/people and yell at them, call them names, and just be rude and mean. If you FLAME more than 3 times in 1 month, it will result in a 1 month ban. Anymore of this FLAMING, and you will be PERMABANNED!
3. NO NUDITY OR SEXUAL REFERENCES! This means do not post any pictures of naked beings, or the inside of their bodies, and don't talk about anything sexually related. You will be PERMABANNED if you post a picture. You get 2 warnings for talking about it.
4. NO BACKSEAT MODDING! This means don't tell someone to stop spamming of flaming in a thread, unless your moderator. Just report the post.
5. NO WELCOME OR GOODBYE THREADS! There is a thread for that!
6. YOU MUST HAVE GOOD GRAMMAR! No posts that are just 'lol rofl', because that is spam. You may say 'That was so funny, lol.' Please, just have decent grammar and you'll be okay.
7. YOUR SIGNATURE HAS A LIMIT! Don't make too big of a signature. If you do, I will personally change it.
8. MUST POST AT LEAST THREE WORDS! When posting, you must have at least 3 words for it not to be counted as spam.
9. FOLLOW THESE RULES! These rules are inportant to the well-being of the site. So, follow them, and you will be respected.
Thank you! Hope you like LOVE the forums!